According to the Vedic Astrology, certain zodiac signs are ruled by some very strong planets and due to that they have those kind of attributes that they always like to dominate people as they can have a strong will, behavior and characteristics associated with dominance. They make tremendous influence over others, love to rule on other people due to their leadership abilities, and have a dominant personality. So if you too feel that you are one of them then you must read about yourself and what makes you personality dominating. Here are six of the most dominant zodiac signs based on their elemental characteristics, governing planets, and behavioral inclinations:
Aries natives are ruled by the planet Mars, which is a vivacious, ambitious, and competitive sign. They are spontaneous and outspoken. They are also known as the born leaders, who don’t enjoy being told what to do and how to do so they like to do things their way and never want anyone to rule them. Mars is a strong planet and this makes them powerful in every situation.
Leos are ruled by one of the most strongest planet Sun, which is inherently aggressive, gregarious, strong and powerful and so they are. They frequently take the lead in any circumstance and enjoy being the center of attention and this attribute of Leo’s make them dominating. They have a lot of influence because of their self-assurance and innate leadership quality.
Taureans are ruled by Venus and they are obstinate, resolute, and uncompromising. There is one of the most important and strange thing about Taureans that it’s almost next to impossible to change their mind after they have made up their minds. They have a powerful presence because they are grounded and pragmatic.
Scorpions are fierce, strong, and strategic sign among all and not in a positive way because they are ruled by Mars and in this zodiac sign Mars becomes more aggressive and stubborn. They are very strategical and know how to manipulate things and people. Their atmosphere of mystery allows them to exert control over circumstances. They are among the strongest zodiac signs due to their depth of feeling and strength of character.
Capricorns, are ruled by Saturn, which is a planet of discipline, Karmas and also a dominant planet that scares everyone with their malefic effects. They put a lot of effort into becoming the best and want others to do the same. They are dominating in professional situations because of their great sense of responsibility.
Aquarians are known for their rebellious, independent, and intelligence and this zodiac sign is ruled by Saturn. They frequently dominate others with their creative ideas and question conventions. They have a lot of influence in social and political contexts because of their strong willpower and confidence. But due to Saturn effect, they have a dominating personality and never listen to others. They talk about righteousness, and force others to follow the same path so these characteristics make them little dominating.
Discover everything about astrology at the Times of India, including daily horoscopes for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.