Laughing at leaders: A big deal?

A politician in Bihar got kicked out of the assembly for seven months just because he made fun of the Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar. Sounds extreme, right? The Supreme Court thought so too. It ruled that this punishment was way too harsh and unfair. In fact, the Election Commission was even planning a new election to replace him before the court stepped in and stopped it.

The court did say that the politician’s joke was rude and inappropriate, but should that really lead to expulsion? Politicians across the country say far worse things, especially against women, and no one seems to care.

The real problem? Politics is losing its sense of humor. In the past, leaders would tease each other, cartoonists would make fun of them, and everyone had a laugh. But now, many politicians act like they can’t be joked about at all. Some even put cartoonists in jail! Instead of being so sensitive, leaders should learn to take a joke and fight back with an even funnier one. After all, the best way to deal with a bad joke is with a better one!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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